
Thought field therapy muscle testing
Thought field therapy muscle testing

  • Muscle Test while thinking of problem strong/ tested for Mini-PR – all good/strong.
  • Tested and treated necessary Alarm Points.
  • Muscle Test while he was thinking of the problem was weak so tested alarm points.
  • (Level 1 PR-tapped side of hand 15 times)
  • Muscle Tests for specific PR – two tests, “I want to be over the migraines” was long/strong and “I want to keep the migraines” was long/strong.
  • Arm muscle test while her father focused on her migraines/pain and touched her with his right hand.
  • We also re-tested the SUD with Dave doing the self-test with his arm. Then I narrowed it down by testing each number 7 and above. The first question was “Is her SUD 7 or greater?” It was strong.
  • SUD – 7 Problem: Complex migraines/chronic pain (We did the muscle test to see where her SUD was.
  • We started with the CB to relax all of us!.
  • Initially, she was fidgeting but as we progressed, she fully cooperated, remained still and was really listening to everything we said too. She actually was experiencing a migraine when we worked with her so it was the perfect time for us to do this. He touched her with his right hand while he thought about her migraines and I did the muscle test with his left arm. She suffers from complex migraines that cause seizures. She is multiply- handicapped and needs 24/7 care due to an infection that caused a brain bleed and hydrocephalus.
  • Client B is my daughter with special needs.
  • He is very calm on the outside so being able to communicate that he is calmer on the inside was progress. While I was typing my notes, he said that what we did helped. His face was flushed when we were done and his body appeared to be less tense. He really liked the tapping and it was the first time I could visually see his body change that dramatically. Clothes were cleaned with 7 th Generation and we tested for that again to be sure. We could not find anything else that would affect the treatment, no watch, cell phone, computer or anything near him.
  • Considered toxins and asked him to tap IF and side of hand and retest okay.
  • #Thought field therapy muscle testing series

  • 9 Gamut Series with treatment points (EB, IF, E, A, C and Chin).
  • Tested Alarm Points- I started at the bottom and worked my way.
  • Muscle Test was weak so tested alarm points.
  • Corrected Levels 3 (tapped chin), Level 4 (tapped MF) and Level 6 (tapped collarbone).
  • SUD – 6 Problem: Anxiety over recent CT-Scan that shows high calcium score for heart.
  • We started with the CB to relax him before we started.
  • It is supposed to reduce inflammation in the brain but now a routine CT-Scan of his heart shows high calcium score which needs to be addressed. He has been on the Ketogenic diet since 2017 when he was first diagnosed with a brain tumor. He has anxiety over this since heart issues run in his family. In addition, to dealing with brain cancer, he learned last week about some heart issues. Terri Smith, Owner, Peaceful Heart Yoga Case Studies TFT-DX Certification I hope they will inspire others to use TFT for challenges in their lives. Thank you to Terri for sharing these cases with our TFT community. These differences not only help the individual but the entire family. The following case studies are an example of challenging situations and the kind of difference we can make in the lives of those with cancer and disabilities. It is heart-warming to see the kinds of things they are able to help with their families and clients. Since we have created our Diagnostic Level TFT online course, I am amazed at the case studies our students have turned in.

    Thought field therapy muscle testing